Show change date of XRay Test Run Assignee

Hello there,
I try to build up a report that shows all tests of a test execution with the actual test run assignee and some status information. I also want to show the date, when the test run assignee was changed the last time.
I got the actual test run assignee with the following statement, but I don’t know how I get the change date. Can somebody help me?

[Xray Test Run Assignee].CurrentHierarchyMember.get(‘KEY’)

Thanks in advance,

Hi @Monique_Blaschke

Thank you for raising this question.

Firstly, I am happy to see that you found the function GetMemberNamebyKey useful.
It can indeed help you find a member of another dimension for your report.

I wish there can be an easier way to explain your use-case.
There are at least two ways how user can change the assignee for Xray Test items in Jira.

  1. you can change the assignee using the default “Assignee” field
  2. you can use Xray options and change the assignee of an Xray test run.

Both of these fields are called “Assignee” but actually they are not the same custom fields.
While you can get the last date when the default “Assignee” field was changed for an issue (regardless if this issue is a test or test exeuction), it won’t be possible to find the change for an assignee of an Xray test run
It seems these changes are not stored in Jira DB at all, therefore you can’t use eazyBI to find the last date when this custom field was changed.
To calculate the last date of default “Assignee” field changes you would need to use calculated measures using tuples and Getmemberbykey function

Meanwhile, there is a predefined dimension in eazyBI “Xray Test Run Assignee” which would return the current assignee (from an xray assignee field) but there is no change history for this dimension and it can’t be used to find the last date when it was changed, even if you find the “Assignee” dimension member using the key

Lastly, you can use a predefined measure “Xray Test last execution status” which would return the last status for tests. See also images below

Martins / eazyBI