How can I show in report only issues, created after specific date?
For example, in table I have 10 issues, created on different dates (on December, January, February). But I want to work with issues, created after February, 20. And all other filters and changes will be applied only for these issues.
I guess I need to create some calculated members with filtering by date, but didn’t manage to create it.
JQL filter in import options is a good solution, however, that would affect all other reports on your eazyBI account as well.
Another way to solve this would be by creating a calculated measure that would return the number of issues created in a specific time frame.
You could first create a calculated member in “Time” dimension to aggregate all dates after 20th of Feb
But when I use it for filtering, it only seem to bring issues that were resolved during that timeframe, not created. It’s probably a simple adjustment I need to make (adding something like [issue created date]). Could you advise?
Report context in eazyBI is usually set by selecting the measure for the report.
If you select measure “Issues resolved” then report results would calculate the number of issues resolved in the filtered time period and the Time calculated member would be using resolution date to filter time periods.
I’m trying to get Average Resolution days and Average days in transition status of issues that were created during specific time period (e.g. from 2022 Jan).
If I use the calculated member in ‘Time’ as described above, it filters for issues resolved, instead of created during that timeframe.
I need to create a different filter, just not sure what formula I should use…
In that case, you would have to create new calculated measures that would know how to behave when “Time” dimension is filtered.
Try this formula for “Average resolution days when issues created” (save the calculated measure with decimal format)
Not IsEmpty([Measures].[Issue resolution date])
[Measures].[Issue created date],
[Measures].[Total resolution days],
And this one for average days in transition status if created:
[Measures].[Issue created date],
[Measures].[Transitions from status]>0
[Measures].[Days in transition status],
I’m having a same problem here - the solution presented by @martins.vanags seems to work, but that means a calculated measure is needed for every measure I would like to use, where I would need to replicate the predefined measure but with an additional filter on created date? Is this a correct understanding?
This would make it also harder to compare sets of issues (e.g. we have received requests to compare our efficiency in 2022 vs. 2023 - when there is a need for a calculated measure in the Measure dimension to do this, we lose a lot of flexibility in our reporting.
I was hoping to have some kind of calculated measure in the dimension “Issue”, so reports can be made as in the standard / regular way and only use this custom Issue definition.