Show info based on Measure only

Hi @Tacoman
Your calculation is referencing [Reporter Location from AD].CurrentMember.Name and, thus, the location will be visible only when you have the full list of your “Reporter Location from AD” dimension members in rows. You could create separate calculated members in the “Reporter Location from AD” dimension, but the report will have some performance issues with MATCHES and 140+ locations.

The best would be using additional import and adding a custom property to your field “Reporter Location from AD.” You can create a custom hierarchy in your custom field based on the property. Here you can read more about it in our documentation: Custom hierarchies
This will allow you to aggregate your values in the “Reporter Location from AD” dimension, and then you can select measures from the “Measures” dimension to see the values per each location.

Here is an example from the eazyBI Community using the “Assignee” dimension:

The difference will be that you need to add additional settings for the single select custom field so it will appear in the additional data import.

Gerda //