Show infos in 3 levels


I use 3 issue types in a hierarchy way:


Iniciative and Epic are linked by “Parent Link”
Epic and Story are linked by “Epic Link”

I’d like to show how these issues are related to and the Story Status. Something like this:
Captura de tela 2024-03-20 095933

Thanks for any help

Hi @Filipe_Machado ,
Welcome to the eazyBI community! Thanks for your post!
It seems that you are looking for “drill into level” option.

You can achieve it either by clicking on the initiative Issue and selecting the necessary level (you can first drill into Feature and then from Feature to Story, or you can drill into Story straight from the Initiative). And then select the Issue Status property from the Measures dimension. The status displayed will be the status of the lowest level you have drilled into.
In this community post, there is described a slightly different approach to how you can drill into another level: Table showing Parent and subtasks based on Target start (in column) - #2 by ilze.mezite

Best wishes,

Elita from