Show is blocked linked issues in table

Dear support,

I have a table view that shows the in progress issues of a certain project.
The table shows the issue name + key, the status etc. I have imported the issue links Blocks and Is blocked and I want to add to the table next to the status column the Is Blocked column, which should show the issue name + key of that Is blocked issue.

I have put the Is Block dimension in the rows section and activated the Is Blocked at all members at level Is Blocked. It now shows me indeed the Is blocked issues in the table but at the same time it filters out the project issues that don’t have a Is Blocked relationship. I do want to still see them as well. How can I do that?

To stretch this requested a bit more, would it be possible to show the status of those Is Blocked issues in the same table?

Thanks in advance and have a great day.

I used the following in the advanced settings to get the linked bugs and tests

For Bugs:
name = “Bugs”
outward_link = [“relates to”, “blocks”, “split to”]
inward_link = [“is blocked by”, “relates to”, “blocks”, “split from”]
issue_type = “Bug”
dimension = true
multiple_values = true

For Tests:
name = “Tests”
outward_link = [“relates to”, “blocks”]
inward_link = [“is blocked by”, “relates to”, “blocks”]
issue_type = “Test”
dimension = true
multiple_values = true

They will show on the Dimensions like this:

Once those were added to the data source you can build reports with the bugs and linked tests or the tests and linked bugs.



One thing I noted is you have to not use the hide empty or the only ones that show will be those that actually have an item linked.

Hope this helps,

Hi @Jlf4EazyBi ,
I would suggest adding the “Is Block” dimension at the “All level” and expanding it, and then you will also see those issues from the “Issue” dimension that doesn’t have this relationship.

And if you need some measures, e.g., see block issues statuses, check this training account were are some example measures you can use in your report. Copy the measures in your account, and adjust the dimension name “Bugs” in the formulas to the name you are using for your issue link dimension: Stories with Bugs details - Issues - eazyBI Demo Training - eazyBI

Gerda //

Thanks Gerda and Dennis. I am on vacation this week, but I will work with you suggestions next and let the result know in this post.

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They “Is Block” at “All level” is giving me indeed the whole list but the expand makes the list twice as larges at it already is. I have around 120 jira tickets listed and with the expand it doubles the row count. Is it possible to have a mdx code that give the best of both worlds, so give the all hierarchy level members at level “Is Blocked” and if the result is empty still show the row just with an empty Is Block cell.

Then when I import the demo chart to see block issues statuses, I get an error “MDX object ‘[Bugs]’ not found in cube ‘Issues’”. In my case the blocking issue is not always a bug, can be anything.

hello. Any thoughts or possible solution.?.

Hi @Jlf4EazyBi ,
First about the “error “MDX object ‘[Bugs]’ not found in cube ‘Issues’”” - you need to copy the formula and replace dimension name “Bugs” to the dimension name you have in your account.

About showing list of the linked issues, you can try formula “Issue bugs with status” from this report: Story and Bug overview by projects - Issues - eazyBI Demo Training - eazyBI

It will show you all linked issues with their statuses, without having the dimension in the report.

Hi Gerda,

Thanks for your response. Because of the error the import of the chart (and included formulas) is not successful and thus I can’t see and modify the formulas. Any advise on that or can you copy the formula of “issue bug with status” here?

To further explain, the dimensions in the demo account are read only. Normally when I import a demo report into my own account the dimensions become editable so I see see the MDX code and modify it as need. In this case the import stops due to the Bugs not found in cube error.

Hi @Jlf4EazyBi ,
Yes, you need to do a little bit differently in the training account if you have a different name for your linked dimension.
Press formula for the one you want to copy and manually copy the formula:

Create a new calculated measure in your eazyBI account and manually replace the “[Bugs]” with the name you have, e.g. “Is Block”. Here is an example of the formula for “Issue bugs with status”:

-- = 4 Issue links and hierarchies
-- get a list of 'Is Block' issues
  [Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.get('Is Block')
-- show by key
cast([Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.Key as string) 
|| " - " ||
-- show 'Is Block' status
  [Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.Get("Status ID")),


Thanks Gerda, that works great and is very learningful. Is it possibe to show the Key are url to issue in Jira?

If you want to show URL to linked issues, then check this report: Stories by Epics with linked Bugs - Issues - eazyBI Demo Training - eazyBI and particulary measure “Linked bugs with status and hyperlink”. You need to copy the formula, adjust the dimension name and add the URL you have in your Jira:

-- = 4 Issue links and hierarchies
  [Bugs].Currentmember is [Bugs].Defaultmember
-- get a list of linked issues
-- show by key
cast([Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.Key as string)
||"*]("||cast([Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.Key as string)||")"
|| " - " ||
-- show issue status
[Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.Get("Status ID")),


Great. Thanks for all the info. You have been very helpful. Are there any plans to provide training on Eazybi, especially the MDX part ?

THansk and regards

Hi @Jlf4EazyBi ,
We as eazyBI don’t provide training, but we have training videos on our documentation about eazyBI: Training videos and also some resources about MDX in videos from eazyBI Community Days: Training videos on specific topics

Some of our partners offer training as well as consultation. Please see our partner list and select the filter option “Provides training”: eazyBI Partners – eazyBI Training, Implementation and Support

If you have some specific questions on how to build something in eazyBI you can write to us ( and we will guide you through.
