Show issues over two days, counting only working days

I’m starting work with eazybi for the first time and I have a problem combining these two things. I need to see all the problems in the “open” status above two days without Saturday and Sunday. For example: we have Monday at 3 p.m. and I see issues until Thursday until this hour. For the second example, we have Friday at 2 p.m. and I see issues until Wednesday until this hour.

At the moment, I have displayed all issues in the status “open” over two days but all days are counted

I can’t understand how to do this from the pages I find on the internet. This is my first contact with eazybi.
Thank you for any help

What is your definition of Open here?
Is it “Any Status” before closure? Or Strictly “Open” only?

Try “DateDiffWorkdays” function instead of “DateDiff” function.

TimestampToDate([Measures].[Issues due created timestamp] ), Now()

I need see tickets in the status: “open”, “in progress”, “waiting to support” and “waiting to customer”.
I need to add this formula in the time page? or in the measures?. and this is the full formula showing tickets over two days? or just skipping the weekend? because it doesn’t work for me.
on the screenshot my table without your formula

Give me your formula, I’ll make changes and share back to you

I use only one simple formula to show problems over 2 days.

[Time].[Day].DateMembersBetween(‘2000 days ago’, ‘2 days ago’)

Thank you

Hi @Damian

You may want to use a the following approach:

  1. Add in columns measure “Average age workdays” that shows issue age in workdays since it is created;
  2. In Pages, add Status dimension, and select only your needed open statuses to filter out issues currently in those statutes (you may select Status categories as well)
  3. apply a row filter >2 on the column “Average age workdays”
  4. You can add Time dimension in Pages and select the needed time period: then only issues created within this period will be included in the report (“Average age workdays” is related to creation date).

The final report could look like the following:
