Show name of people that issue resolved

Hi everyone!
I want to show name of people or peoples that issue resolved in table. for example for issue key JCA-589, A,B and C trying to resolve problem and I want to show their name in table. thanks.

Hi madooooooo,
Welcome to the eazyBI community!

If you are looking for a list of all assignees who have worked on the issue, you can create a new calculated measure with the following formula:

--go through all Assignee users
--check wheather user was assigned to issue at some point
([Measures].[Transitions to assignee],
[Time].CurrentHierarchy.DefaultMember) > 0 ),
--get assignee names separated by comma

If you want to see only resolved issues, then use the measure “Issues resolved”, click on the column header, and add a row filter > 0 . You can later remove this measure, but the filter will stay.

If you are looking for the assignee list in specific status, you might find this community post useful:

I hope this helps.


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