Show nested linked issues

It seems you can import linked issues with this approach. However, the problem is with “nesting”. You can see Task issues for Development and Product issues for Tasks. However, this import option will not give references from Development to Products.

It seems you have a hierarchy of issues (Development>Task>Product). If this is the case I would suggest creating it in eazyBI as well. This will give you an option to expand development issue to Tasks and then to Products. Any value on product level will be summed up to Development issues.

You can build the hierarchy on top of two basic levels Parent and Sub-tasks. Parent could stand for Product (as the lowest standard issue type in the hierarchy). Then you would like to define two additional levels above this for Tasks and for Development.

You would like to use an opposite link from Product to Task and from Task to Development issue. You did not mention the opposite link name, though please check it and update definitions accordingly. Define Task from Product perspective (open product issue and check a link to Task). Define Development from Task perspective (open task issue and check a link to Development).

Please take into account. Link direction and Link name should be correct. Link name should match case sensitive. Issue type name should match case sensitive. You can check link name and direction in Jira administration issue linking section:

 name = "Development"
 outward_link = "use oposite link name of Related to task"
 issue_type = "Development"
 dimension = true
 upate_from_issuse_key = "customfield_task"
 name = "Task"
 outward_link = "use oposite link name of Affect to Product"
 dimension = true
 upate_from_issuse_key = "parent_issue_key"
 name = "Development"
 all_member_name = "All issues by development"
 levels = [

Daina /

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