I’m trying to show the measure “Story points in backlog” as another, separate bar, in addition to the future sprints that are currently being displayed. I would do this in the row “Sprint”, but I can’t seem to refine that by issues that are not assigned to a sprint. For clarification, “backlog” is being defined as issues that are not assigned to a sprint, as opposed to being in a backlog status.
That would require including the Sprint dimension “(no sprint)” member in your page selection or the Sprint dimension calculated member you have in the report pages. This member contains issues and Story Points that are not part of any Sprint and would return results with the “Story Points created” measure.
Thank you for your response. I have found that using the Sprint dimension “no sprint” will pull all the story points in the backlog regardless of what board they belong to. I’m looking to refine this number by board, and I thought that adding the board as a page would do that, but the number stays the same no matter what board I choose.
Is there a way to count the number of issues and the total story points in the backlog by board?
Issues without a Sprint are not grouped under Boards. If your Boards are organized by Projects, or Teams, you may want to use those dimensions in pages instead of the “Board” level.