SLA count for tickets created in date range

Hi @AlexN,

Usually, the SLA is measured by the period when the cycle ends to ensure the past data are not changing for completed cycles. Descritpion on Service Management metrics available in the documentation:

If you would like to change this logic to issue a creation date, you can create calculated measures. The calculation would iterate through individual issues and check their creation date, then sum up the resolution time, ignoring when the cycle was completed.

The expression might look like this:

  --set of issues, filter issues created in the selected period
    DescendantsSet([Issue].CurrentMember, [Issue].[Issue]),
      [Issue].CurrentMember.Get('Created at'),
  --SLA ignoring the period when the cycle was completed
  ([Measures].[Time to resolution - Met], 

You can use similar calculations for other SLA metrics. If you would like to get an averaged SLA value, then use the function Avg() instead of Sum(). More details in calculated measures and aggregate calculations are described in the documentation: Calculated measures

Check out also those two Community posts on SLA calculations by issue creation date:

Zane / support

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