SLA on pause time tracking

Hello, I used easybi for tracking average time that users are spending on resolve issues in jira service desk.
If I want to get average time for all closed issues, I use this member formula:
[Measures].[Time to resolution Elapsed hours] /
[Measures].[Time to resolution Completed cycles]
But i have to track issues that not closed( these issues on “resolved” status and SLA on pause, becouse only customer should close issue). How I can achieve this?

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Import fields with using JS helped to solve this problem.
SLA on pause have ongoingCycle object in issue’s JSON.
Use elapsedTime value and create new customfield with this value.

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You are right; the JS can be the solution since the elapsed time is available in the JSON also for the ongoing cycles.

Thank you for pointing to this solution; we might need to consider if the elapsed hours could be a standard measure also for the issues with the paused SLA cycles. Note, however, that this value is collected at the moment of when the data import happened.

Janis, eazyBI support