SLA vs Number of days in status


According to the SLA, the case should be closed within 14 working days. However, the time when the case is on the client’s side does not count.

I count it like this:

Not IsEmpty([Measures].[Issue resolution date])
[Measures].[number of cases]>0
[Measures].[Issue created date],
[Measures].[Issue resolution date])

[Measures].[number of workdays in the status on the “client side”]

Number of workdays in the status on the “client side”
([Measures].[Workdays in transition status],
[Transition Status].[client side])

The problem is when the case is closed at the turn of the month.

When I choose December, only days on the “client side” status from December are shown, although in December and January there were 9 days in total for case ZOP-14290.

In the SLA statistics, I show all cases created in a given month, e.g. in December, even if they were closed in the following month. So when I choose December I should have seen all the days in “client side” status when the case was open, not just in December.

Cache( NonZero(Sum(PreviousPeriods([Time].CurrentHierarchyMember),
[Measures].[number of workdays in the status on the “client side”]
+ [Measures].[number of workdays in the status on the “client side”]

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OMG thank you!! It’s what I needed. :laughing:

One more question: Is there “futureperiods” instead of “previousperiods”?
Because I need right number of days in December not January.
The raport shows issues created in December even if they are closed in January. Maybe I should change that…

[Measures].[number of workdays in the status on the “client side”]
([Time].CurrentHierarchyMember.StartDate, ‘today’),
[Measures].[number of workdays in the status on the “client side”]

It’s not working… I try to figure out why.

But I feel we 're so close :slight_smile:

@liu.jinming are you still willing to help? :slight_smile:

Sum([Time].AllMembers,[Measures].[number of workdays in the status on the “client side”])

Hi @Kamila,
Can you share by the date you want your measure to be related to the Time dimension - by issue resolution date or created date?

Here is one formula, that you can try, I have commented the lines that either relates measure to the Time dimension or ignores, please give it a try and let me know if this solved your question:

      -- related to Time dimension by created date
        [Measures].[Issue created date],
      Not IsEmpty([Measures].[Issue resolution date])
      [Measures].[Issue created date],
      [Measures].[Issue resolution date])
      -- Time.DefaultMember ignores the Time dimension when the issue has done the transition, check if the spelling is correct for your status 'Client side'
      ([Measures].[Workdays in transition status],
      [Transition Status].[Client side],

Gerda //