I had downloaded a sample report ‘Sprint Issue Balance’ from EazyBi demo account (Sprint issue balance - Issues - Jira Demo - eazyBI) and was validating the same by streaming data from our Jira server (without making any change to the measure / dimensions). I found the data output that was coming from EaziBi sprint issue balance report is not similar to that from the standard Jira Sprint report that I use to generate at the end of each sprint.
- EazyBi reports that the total number of sprint issues committed + sprint issues added (181) but this does not equal the Sprint issues removed + Sprint issues completed (168). Also the Sprint issues completed = 44 and Sprint issues removed = 124.
- Jira standard sprint report confirms that Sprint issues completed = 41 and Sprint issues removed =62 , total = 103
I would like the EazyBi sprint issue balance report to show the same data as the Jira Sprint report ( which you can view only at the end of the sprint). Please suggest what changes need to be made in the measure so that I can achieve the above result. If sprint issue balance can’t provide me with this result, please suggest another report that could help me achieve my goal.
Thank you very much! - best