I’d like to have a sprint report with the performance of userstories. Unfortunalely not al storys are done in 1 or 2 sprints. So i’d like to have a Graph/line per sprint to see how many stories are done in 1, 2, 3, 4, or more sprints.
Try using advanced settings to define new pre-calcualted field with Javascript.
Replace NNNNN with the Sprint custom field ID from Jira
# Number of Sprints
name = "Number of Sprints"
data_type = "integer"
dimension = true
measure = true
javascript_code = '''
issue.fields.customfield_sprintCount = issue.fields.customfield_NNNNN.length
When a field is defined in advanced settings, navigate to the eazyBI import options for the Jira source application and select to import the new calculated custom field as dimension and measure.
Then select measure “Issues resolved” and add the imported dimension in Columns to split measure “Issues resolved” by the new dimension “Number of sprints”
Take a look at the attached image.
If necessary, you can apply Time dimension in Pages, if you’d like to see the results based on certain Time period.