Sprint velocity group by sprint and then individual project

I have 5 teams using same sprint value.
When I pull sprint velocity report, I am getting combined metrics when it comes to committed vs completed.
I am looking for committed vs completed for each team in each sprint.

X-axis will have sprint 1
In sprint 1, team1(committed vs completed), team2(commited vs complete)…

Y-axis will have the points.

I am very new to eazybi and having some difficulty in figuring out MDX language plus and I am almost an inch away to convince management to approve budget. This is very robust and have every detail of the reports that we need except facing challenge to use it.

You would like to have Team imported as a separate dimension into eazyBI and then you can use it in reports. Measures Sprint story points committed and Sprint story points completedshould split values per a team within one sprint by default. Add Sprint dimension and Team dimension to Rows on member levels (use All hierarchy level members to select a particular level).
Please check this demo report. We are using Issue type to split Story Points by issue types within one Sprint:

If you have a different case, when you have a report with calculated Sprint members or on Board level you may not have some values representing Committed points and Velocity. Measures Sprint story points committed and Running velocity for 5 closed sprints works on Sprint level only. You may want to use other calculations for them.
Please check this demo report for Sprint measures if you are not using Sprint in a report or you are using Sprint board level or Sprint calculated members.

Daina / support@eazybi.om