Stories and linked Defects (blocks/is blocked by)

First time posting here on this community. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide. :+1:

We have stories that are linked to defects using the link type: “blocks/is blocked by”. e.g. “Story 1 is blocked by Defect 1” and I’m looking to try and get a table similar to below to be built dynamically so that when a new defect is linked to a Story, it would appear in the list. I have managed to import the “blocks/is blocked by” link type as a dimension into EazyBi, but can’t seem to get the linked defects attributes/info into the body of the table, it keeps pulling in the linked Issues (Story) attributes. e.g. if I add a measure of “Created date”, this pulls in the Stories “created date” and not the linked defects “created date” as I expected it to. I tried putting the “blocks/is blocked by” dimension first in my list of rows, but this doesn’t help.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated as I’ve been struggling with this for a few days now.

Hope the above makes sense.
Header row in table below are “Defect Severities”

A B 1 - Critical 2 - High 3- Medium 4 - Low
Story 1 Defect 1 1
Defect 2 1
Story 2 Defect 1 1
Defect 2 1
Defect 3 1
Story 3 Defect 1 1
Defect 2 1