I need a table that has rows showing sprints and columns showing Status counts and Transition Status counts. Is this possible? Can I also change this to a stacked bar chart, one stacked bar for Status and one stacked bar for Transition Status? Thank you.
Hi @jabrillo,
Yes, your requirement is possible. Select the two measures that you are interested in returning. For example, “Issues created” to show the status count and “Transitions to status issues count” or “Issues history” for the historic status count. Next, drill the “Issues created” measure into the Status dimension “Status” level with the drill measure into another dimension functionality - Create reports.
After that, do the same for the “Issues history” or “Transitions to status issues count” measure but with the Transition Status dimension. The report could look similar to the one below:
Roberts // support@eazybi.com
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This works. Thank you.