is it, please, possible to view Work Logs (Hours spent) by Teams imported from Tempo plugin?
In Tempo plugin in JIRA, it is normal to view Work Logs associated to predefined Teams. However in EazyBI, Teams seem to be asociated with issues rather than with Work Logs themselves.
Tempo teams are in this way rendered unusable in EazyBI.
I hear you on this one! Tempo Teams for Worklogs would definitely be a helpful improvement. I will add a community vote to the ticket. I will post an update here if there will be any news on this.
Hi, We are evaluating EazyBI for our company, it looks great so far however, this is definitely a requirement that we need to handle. Is there a workaround that you can suggest while we wait to get an update on this enhancement?
The minimum requirement would be to be able to report on time (hours spent) by user (Logged By dimension). However, I need this filtered by Tempo Team. We have 100s of users and dozens of teams.
We have eazy BI but this feature of importing Tempo data is not usefull if we cannot report based on teams. Team as a customfield is hidden on the request and we do not intended to ever show it to our users.
So to solution (workaround) to this is pretty simple after all.
You have to manage Tempo Teams directly as jira user groups. (In JIRA) Settings -> User management -> Groups. Every Team should have only 1 jira Group with the same name.
In Tempo -> Teams add these coresponding groups into the desired team (only 1 Group per Team)
In EazyBI, in Source Data -> (JIRA) Edit -> Additional Options -> check option called “Logged by Group”
Hello, I am new to this community. We have the same issue as above. and currently we have 50 or so tempo teams. That is to many to try the work around approach. Do you have an ETA on a fix for this?
With eazyBI version 6.1 we added support for a new dimensions Logged by Team . This dimension will work with measure Hours spent and will split it by teams of the user who logged the time.
See more about support for Tempo in our documentation.