Tempo Timesheets Work Description

Is it possible to import the Tempo Timesheets Work Description into EazyBI?



Already now you could see work description for worklogs if you select measure “Hours spent” from “Measures” dimension, click on the result and choose “Drill through worklogs”. It would be possible to export if needed.

But it would also be possible to import Worklog comments as a separate dimension in eazyBI (in this case you should use eazyBI advanced settings to define this additional dimension first)

Martins / eazyBI support

Hi @martins.vanags Could you help me create this dimension? Thanks :grinning:


Use the following code in eazyBI advanced settings:

name = "Worklog Comment"
data_type = "string"
dimension = true
worklog = true
javascript_code = '''
if (worklog.comment) {
worklog.customfield_wlcomment = worklog.comment+" ("+worklog.id+")";
else {
worklog.customfield_wlcomment = "(no comment)"

Then open the import options page and select to import “Worklog comment” new pre-calculated custom field as a separate dimension.

Martins / eazyBI

@martins.vanags Thanks !!! :clap: :clap:

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I’ve tried out the above solution and it works 
 to a degree 
 but suspect I’m doing or not doing something very obvious to not get the complete solution.

I’ve created the custom measure for Worklog Comments and when I drill down into a work log then the Worklog Comments appear, but when I just try to show the Worklog Comment inline with other data then it doesn’t appear or worse still it hides all data.

It seems that the advanced settings do not let you import “Worklog comments” into a separate dimension using the approach described above.
Which version of eazyBI and Tempo are you using?

Martins / eazyBI support

Hi @martins.vanags , I get the same result that @MarkWheeler. I’m ussing eazyby in a cloud instance.

Could you helpp me? Thanks in advance!


See the documentation page about this feature:

Calculated worklog dimensions work for Jira Server and Data center only, That is why it won’t work in a cloud instance.

Martins / eazyBI

Hi Martins, why I can not see this ‘‘Drill through worklogs’’ if I right click on Hour Spent column? How to add this feature to my company eazybi?


That is a default functionality. It should be automatically available for “Hours spent” measure.
Did you press on the cell value or on the column name?


Yes, I have a long list of ‘‘Drill into’’ options, but not ’drill through worklogs’.

Can you share a screenshot from “About” menu where you can see the version of eazyBI?

Martins /eazyBI


yes of course



This version supports “Drill through worklogs” feature.
Do you use it on the default measure “Hours spent” in your report?
Can you please share the screenshot of what you see when you click on “Hours spent” measure in any of the report cells?


ok now I can see it.
But I’d like to see the list of worklog comments in a report column. That is, for each day, I’d like to see the daily hour spent + worklog comment.

Is it possible without create a custom dimension?



It is not possible to import comments without additional pre-calculated field (defined in advanced settings).
See a similar question discussed here: Worklog comment import

Martins / eazyBI

Hi Martin,


can you confirm only to Jira system administrators, Jira trusted users, and eazyBI admins can access to advanced settings? I’m not one of them


Yes, advanced settings are not available for all eazyBI users.

If you use eazyBI for Jira Cloud and Tempo timesheets to register worklogs, then worklog comment field import won’t be possible.

Martins / eazyBI

Hi, why it won’t be possible ,why it’s possible for jira server and not for jira cloud