I have a bar chart graph where I am tracking Story Points from a Sprint. I am using the measure ‘Story Points added’ and ‘Sprint Story Points committed’ in a stacked column. I have the total for these as a separate measure (which is the sum of ‘Story Points added’ and ‘Sprint Story Points committed’). If I turn the total measure into a text type element, then all three ‘stack’ on the default axis visually and look correct (you have a bar column with a small dot and ‘total’ number).
However, if I add another measure, like Points Completed in Sprint, and put that on a separate axis, then, the ‘Total’ text element is sitting in the middle of the 2 bars.
How do I get the ‘Added’, ‘Committed’, and ‘Total’ to stack together when another bar is added to the chart but is using a different axis?
Thank you!