Time in status for previous status

I want to get the time in source for an issue from the previous status of the current status. Since the current status is constantly changing, it is difficult to obtain time by defining it as a specific transition. Is there any way?

Hi @holtzman,

The following formula would give you the total days the issue has spent in the previous status (you probably would like to set the formatting to decimal):

  [Transition Status].[Transition Status].Members,
    ([Measures].[Transition from status last timestamp],
    ([Measures].[Transition to status last timestamp],
     [Transition Status].DefaultMember)
).Item(0), [Measures].[Days in transition status])

Just in case, here is a formula that would return what the previous status was:

  [Transition Status].[Transition Status].Members,
    ([Measures].[Transition from status last timestamp],
    ([Measures].[Transition to status last timestamp],
     [Transition Status].DefaultMember)

Lauma / support@eazybi.com

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@lauma.cirule Is it possible to obtain the status of a ticket on a given day? having in the columns time and sprint and the column some measure?