Timeout problems with EazyBI reports


I’m using EazyBI to create several indicators for a Jira Project and I’m facing a problem with one of them.

In this indicator, I want to calculate the number of issues, per month (issues created between 12 months ago and now), that have not been processed for at least 6 months. Plus, I want to calculate the percentage of issues treated in less than 6 months. I have succeeded to do that by using aggregates and it works.

But, when I want to filter the results by a custom dimension (multi-select values), it always end in timeout (the timeout is configured to 240 secs). I don’t know what to do or how to optimize my query.

Example of code :

Aggregate( FILTER( Descendants([Issue].CurrentMember, [Issue].[Issue]), DateDiffDays([Issue].CurrentMember.get('Created at'), [Time].CurrentMember.NextMember.StartDate) >= 180 ), [Measures].[AGGREGAT EN COURS] )

Where [Measures].[AGGREGAT EN COURS] is

Aggregate({ [Transition Status].[Submitted], [Transition Status].[Reopen], [Transition Status].[To Be Analysed], [Transition Status].[Analysed],

[Transition Status].[Accepted],
[Transition Status].[Verified],
[Transition Status].[StartedWork],
[Transition Status].[Rejected],
[Transition Status].[Rejected After Analysed]
[Measures].[Issues history])

Thanks for helping me :slight_smile: