Total assignee count over time?

We’d like to show a productivity metric (like “Issues resolved count” for all projects) over time, but normalized by the total number of Jira users/assignees. It looks like the Assignee member isn’t related to a time dimension, so I get a constant count of assignees over time.

Is there a way to define this time dimension for Assignees? Users don’t log their work, so “Logged By” doesn’t help either.

Screenshot 2022-09-23 111834

This is not a proposed solution, I only wanted to who how I defined the AssigneeCount measure.

Screenshot 2022-09-23 111733

Hi @sjoquist.carl,

Using Count() and iterating through “Assignee” dimension members is the right approach. Ther are few improvements you should add to make the calculation work, add the function Filter() and some predefined measure as filtering criteria. The measure would define how how issues (and their assignees) are related to the Time dimension.

For example, to get the assignee count of resolved issues in the period, use the measure “Issues resolved”:

    --related to time dimension by issue resolution date
    [Measures].[Issues resolved] > 0

Or you can filter by the measure “Issues history” to get a count of all assignees that were assigned to some issue in that period:

    --related to time dimension by issue resolution date
    [Measures].[Issues history] > 0

Here are a few more topics on how to count assignees:
