Total not Correct (Row Sum is incorrect)

Hi All,

I’m at my second post on the community,
So I apologize in advance if I am not detailed but I have run into this issue very frequently and I should need a solution. Probably it is very simple for all community expert users, but for me is really complex in my beginner status!

Summary (below example snapshots).

  1. I create a report, table, with Row Total: total is correct (it is exactly the row value sum)

  2. I select one row, drill across/issue/uber initiative, obtaining a new report. In this new report, the Row Totaol is wrong, that is, it not corresponds to the sum of all rows values.

USED MEASURES (I think the issue is in the measure, but I’m a beginner and I really don’t know whew is it)

IIf([Measures].[Issue Planned Effort]>0,[Measures].[Issue Planned Effort],[Measures].[Current Original Estimated (hours)])


Tullio Di Simone

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let me add a detailed description of the issue:

in this report

in each row there is a number that is not reflecting the used measure:

IIf([Measures].[Issue Planned Effort]>0,[Measures].[Issue Planned Effort],[Measures].[Current Original Estimated (hours)])

but the the number I can see in each row is the sum of Current Original Estimated (hours) values, and he is not considering the Issue Planned Effort.

Probably there is something missing in the measure.

It is like if the IIf is not working in the total number.

If, on the other hand, I expand all issues, type by type, the measure works fine.

Then the problem is that the measure works fine per single issue, doesn’t work for the report I’m using (CU total on the rows).

Thanks again.


Hi @tulliodisimone

The total feature won’t return the simple sum of rows with specific calculation steps by default.

Try using comment with annnotations:

Instead of this:

<your formula for calcuation>

Use this :

<your formula for calculation>

That will force the total feature to use regular sum instead of repeating all the steps from the formula.

Martins / eazyBI


no, thanks for your answer, but It doensn’t solve the issue, I have exactly the same result.


What formula exactly did you try in your report calculated measure?



the following:

IIf([Measures].[Issue Planned Effort]>0,[Measures].[Issue Planned Effort],[Measures].[Current Original Estimated (hours)])

Hi, the following one:

IIf([Measures].[Issue Planned Effort]>0,[Measures].[Issue Planned Effort],[Measures].[Current Original Estimated (hours)])



but I don’t see where the annotation is used in your final formula.

Martins /eazyBI

IIf([Measures].[Issue Planned Effort]>0,[Measures].[Issue Planned Effort],[Measures].[Current Original Estimated (hours)])

like this?

Yes, that seems like the correct formula now.
Doesn’t this measure work as expected in total row?


No Martins,

it doesn’t work.

Note that “Total” would not change the results if you use hierarchy and drill into one of the members (to see children).
“Total” feature would show the sum of most detailed level members and that is the intended behavior
If that didn’t answer your original question, please reach out to and share the report definition.

Martins / eazyBI

Thanks Martins,

it doesn’t solve the issue, but thanks for support. I’ll mail

