Total Number of Carried Over In Sprints

Hello, I’m having a hard time calculating the total number of Carried overs that existed in a given Sprint.

I can already individually have the number of each of the carried overs with the formula:

[Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.get(‘Sprint IDs’))) > 1, 1, 0)

But I cannot specifically calculate that a given Sprint had x carried overs.

Hello @Eduardo_Mendonca,

The issue property ‘Sprint IDs’ contains IDs of sprints related to the issue separated by a comma.
Therefore, by analyzing this property, you might find out if the issue was carried over and if the specific sprint was related to the issue.
You might also count these issues for one specific sprint by iteration through the Issue dimension with the following expression.

    DescendantsSet([Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember, [Issue].[Issue]),
--property includes multiple IDs - looking for the comma    
   CoalesceEmpty([Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.Get('Sprint IDs'),'') MATCHES '.*,.*'
--property contains the ID of the current sprint  
    CoalesceEmpty([Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.Get('Sprint IDs'),'')
    '(^|.*,)'||Cast([Sprint].CurrentHierarchyMember.Key AS STRING)||'(,.*|$)'),

The expression would count the issue as carried over regardless if the issue was carried over into this sprint or carried over from this sprint.
You might adjust the regular expression on line 10 for more specific requirements in the following way.
a) only return issue for the first sprint from which the issue was carried over - replace '(^|.*,)' with '^'
b) only return issue for the sprint to which it was carried over - replace '(^|.*,)' with '.*,'
c) only return issue for the last sprint to which it was carried over - replace '(,.*|$)' with '$'

Oskars /

How would one calculate the carry-over (“spillover”) from the last sprint to the current sprint?


Please see a similar situation here - How to ignore some Transition status from the Query - #2 by oskars.laganovskis.

You might remove the 5th to 3rd lines from the end of the expression if you do not need to exclude any statuses.

Oskars /

I tried using the calculated measure on this thread but looks like it is not working much for me.

I have my sprints where I need to get the number of issues which was carried forward from the selected sprint. I don’t need the info to which sprint it was carried forward etc. If ‘sprint 1’ has 3 issues which was not completed and carried forward to the backlog or any other sprint, the number should be 3.

I am using this one:
DescendantsSet([Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember, [Issue].[Issue]),
–property includes multiple IDs - looking for the comma
CoalesceEmpty([Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.Get(‘Sprint IDs’),‘’) MATCHES ‘.,.
–property contains the ID of the current sprint
CoalesceEmpty([Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.Get(‘Sprint IDs’),‘’)
‘^’||Cast([Sprint].CurrentHierarchyMember.Key AS STRING)||‘(,.*|$)’),
However, when I am checking a sprint where there were 5 issues which were not completed, it is showing only 3.

Can you please advise?