Unique remaining items

I’m trying to get remaining epics (issues which are still open). I’m currently using:

CASE WHEN DateDiffDays(Now(), [Time].CurrentHierarchyMember.Name) <= 0
[Measures].[Issues history] - [Measures].[Cumulative Issues Closed]

but then, when the issue has more than one team (there’s a customized field which can contain multiple values for team names) - it counts the same issue multiple times. I would like to count it only once. is there a way to do that?

Hi @alonborn,

Welcome to eazyBI Community! Thanks for posting your question!

I recommend trying the solution described in this community post that explains how to use the distinct count measures. Since you are using measure “Issues closed”, please make sure you replace measure “Issues resolved count” with “Issues closed count” in the formula given in the Community post below:

Best wishes,

Elita from support@eazybi.com