Use both fixed and affected version


i am currently using Affected version (as software release version) as Row to show number of bugs found for each SW release. In the same graph i would like to show a line which show the number of bugs that will be fixed per SW release using the Fix Version field.

Is this possible?

Try to define a new calculated measure such as:

[Measures].[Issues created],

[Fix Version.By name].DefaultMember.Children.item([Affected Version],

[Affected Version].DefaultMember,

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Hi @bilbo871,

The solution proposed by @ran.lavi should work for you. Thank you Ran! One adjustment I suggest is using the Affects version dimension CurrentHierarchy.DefaultMember so the formula works for all Affects version hierarchies:

  [Measures].[Issues created],
  [Fix Version.By name].CurrentMember.Children.item(
    [Affects Version].CurrentHierarchyMember.Name
  [Affects Version].CurrentHierarchy.DefaultMember

Roberts //