Using the Issue-Dimension on the selected_pages parameter on a Dashboard

Dear all,

I have created a dashboard which displays a burndown graph for Epics. As we have a large installation we had to do some tricks, including running a nightly script that writes the aggregated effort of an epic into a custom field, so that we do not have to load so much data when analysing it.

I have created a custom issue hierarchy, that contains only the Epic elements and not the Parents and Sub-Tasks. The report works great and performant, but some users now requested to have the ability to bookmark ‘their’ Epics for quicker access.

I saw that the selected_pages query parameter should be a suitable solution for this problem, but I cannot get it to work. I just cannot seem to get the right way to specify the parameter. I have screenshotted the hierarchy below and hope for some help on what would be the right way to address an certain Epic. I tried different variations of [Issue].[Only Epics].[PRJ-283739], but all I ever get is the default view of the dashboard which shows an aggregated view of all Epics.

Issue Hierarchy


# Create an additionall issue hierarchy only containing the Epic
# (for performance reasons - reduce the data in a report)
name = "Only Epics"
all_member_name = "All Epics"
levels = [

Thanks for any advice,
Best regards,

Hi @thv,

The functionality of passing the selected_pages parameter currently only works with the report result export API functionality and embedded reports - Report results export API - eazyBI for Jira.

We do have a request similar to yours in our backlog. I added your vote to it but currently, I don’t have any estimates to share.

Roberts //