Version burndown using Original Estimate?

Hey all,

I can’t find a good example of what I’m trying to do and I haven’t been able to make it work on my own. Essentially, I’m working with a client who uses time estimates instead of story points. Which isn’t a huge issue in itself, but they also don’t reliably do time entry so time data is a bit unreliable overall. Effectively, I’m trying to use Original Estimates as a proxy for story points but am running into problems because it doesn’t seem to support the same history functionality in EazyBI. Here is the report I’m trying to build as I currently have it in Excel:

  • Total Work in Release: The aggregate Original Estimates for all tickets in the milestone in each period
  • Remaining Work in Release: The aggregate Original Estimates for unresolved tickets in the milestone in each period
  • Target Burndown: A projection of the burndown required in each period to go from the Total Work in Release in the current period at report start to 0 at the milestone deadline.
  • Work Completed in Period: The aggregate Original Estimates for all tickets resolved in each period
  • Projected Burndown: A projection going forward of burndown based on the average Work Completed in Period for the previous four periods

It seems like my limiting factor is there’s no Original Estimate History that lets me track a lot of this historical data, so I’d love any suggestions for how I can work around this (or if it’s even possible). Thanks in advance!

Hi @rbelmont,

You can create a burndown chart using time estimates by adapting the "
Time Tracking Burndown in Selected Version" report from the demo account. Here is the report: Time Tracking Burndown in Selected Version - Issues - Jira Demo - eazyBI report.

This report shows the burndown trend using a combination of “Hours spent”, “Remaining estimated hours history”, and “Original estimated hours” for guideline (target burndown) calcaution.

Update the report by replacing the Fix Version with the Milestone dimension and respective start and end dates.

  • replace dimension on report pages to filter report data;
  • update the calcauted measure for estimated guidelines to read start and end dates from selected Milestone.

Zane /