Version Control Advance Settings?

Is it possible to version control the Advance Settings? This came up during one of our Disaster Recovery audit finding.

Currently, we do not have support for version control for eazyBI advanced settings. However, we improved eazyBI advanced settings storage in the latest versions so it could be easier to monitor.

We store eazyBI advanced settings in the database (eazybi setup database/schema) in table system_settings with key advanced_settings. We suggest to backup the whole database/schema as it contains any account setup definition, including the eazyBI advanced settings. You can restore eazyBI by this database/schema backup.

You can also check web.log for more details when the update there were made and the updated content as well:

Here is an example web.log entry where I saved eazyBI advanced settings with only one custom field definition:

    data_type = "decimal"
    measure = true

Here is an entry from eazybi_web.log with update in eazyBI advanced settings with this one customfield definition:
2020-05-29 12:31:12 +0300 INFO: [E8B378F4:a5058b77] Parameters: {“tab”=>“advanced”, “utf8”=>"", “atl_token”=>“BJR4-Z995-8LCJ-R7D3_1a03009e0a04d3f6f5c7271564b031b83bd4d89c_lin”, “plugin_settings”=>{“advanced”=>{“source”=>"[jira.customfield_14600]\r\ndata_type = “decimal”\r\nmeasure = true"}}, “commit”=>“Update advanced settings”}

Daina /

thanks for the information.