Why does eazyBI need users' email address

Our data privacy experts are interested in knowing why does eazyBI need access to user’s e-mail address? And is that even true when working in Jira Cloud?

When installing eazyBI, it says that it gets the following permissions:

  • View email addresses of users
  • Act on a user’s behalf, even when the user is offline
  • Read data from the host application

The purpose of the last two I understand, but not quite the need of the e-mail address? Or is that because of the possibility to subscribe to Dashboards?

And what is meant here by users? Are these the assignees and reporters in the tickets or a user in a sense that I’m accessing the report?

Hi @vpurho,

You can view the complete information on the eazyBI for Jira Cloud Security Statement, but the gist is that eazyBI uses the email addresses to inform the user when data import fails with an error and for dashboard email subscriptions.

Roberts // support@eazybi.com