Hi Team,
We’ve imported only one jira project as source data for our eazyBI account.
When we use the “Sprint” dimension in pages or rows, it shows some extra sprint names in report which are not part of my imported project.
Can anyone please let me know why I’m able to see those sprint names which are not available in my imported project?
Thank you in advance.
Hi, can anyone please reply on this from eazyBI team? Thanks!
Hi @narendra_kumar_1995,
To display Sprints related to the report context in rows, you can use the “Nonempty” option - https://docs.eazybi.com/eazybijira/analyze-and-visualize/create-reports#Createreports-Pagedimensions.
If the eazyBI account has data imported from only one Project and the Sprint dimension has members from other Project Sprints. That means the eazyBI account had those Projects selected for import at some point. eazyBI doesn’t delete dimension members on data import, only adds new.
You can try to empty the cube and reimport the data to clear dimension members not relevant to the imported data - https://docs.eazybi.com/eazybijira/data-import/jira-issues-import#JiraIssuesImport-Emptycubeandre-importallissues.
Roberts // support@eazybi.com
Hi @roberts.cacus thanks for your reply. If we clear/empty the cubes for our account and again import the desired projects. Is there any effects on our created reports?
We don’t want any changes in our reports available within that eazyBI account.
Again thanks a lot!
Hi @narendra_kumar_1995,
Clearing the cube and reimporting data won’t affect your reports. As mentioned in the linked documentation page, the reports will appear empty between the time from clearing the cube until the data is imported.
Roberts // support@eazybi.com
Thank you @roberts.cacus for you help. Can you please help me on eazyBI report to show Git integration fields
Thanks a lot!
HI @roberts.cacus given process didn’t work for me. We tried by empty cubes and re-import all data. Still the result is same.
Can you please let us know why it’s not working?
Hi @narendra_kumar_1995,
In that case, the imported issues still are or have been part of these Sprints. You can verify that by defining a new calculated measure that references the hidden measure “Transitions to”. See the formula below:
[Measures].[Transitions to issues count]
Then place the Sprint dimension “Sprint” level members in rows. See if the Sprints that shouldn’t be in the eazyBI cube have a value for the calculated measure. The report could look similar to the one below:
Roberts // support@eazybi.com
So I did just that and see and empty transition count for a sprint that belong in a Project that has never been imported into this account/cube.
Olympus Sprint 115 is current sprint for an entirely different group in a different organization. There is no overlap in any of the work - as in Jira issues.
The only thing that appears in common is each of the Project spaces has a custom_field: Team, and this has the value Team=Guardians. This is purely coincidence. That said this should not have pulled in the data from another project in this cube.
So what can explain this situation so that we can correct it - or is there a bug in the system?