I have the following scenario in my Jira Assets.
- An object type Software and it has an object attribute “App Server” in which its type is Server.
- Server is another object type and it has an object attribute “Operational System” in which its type is OS.
- OS is another object type and it has an integer attribute “Version”.
I need to create a report that I want to present the Software, Its Operacional System and the Version of the OS.
Please, someone could help me?
Thank you
The solution requires that you import both linked objects as dimensions.
Then we can add the Object dimension to the report rows, and select the Software (Product) object type. The link to the Server is created as another dimension and we can add the Product App Server dimension to show the App serveres per product:
The following custom formula is needed to access the OS object from the App Server:
[Product App Server].CurrentMember.KEY
).GetLinkedMemberName('Servers Operating System')
Janis, eazyBI support