Xray Daywise Defect Report split by Status

Hello, I have written the below query and it gives me the Count of Defects created each Day. However, when I try to modify the code to give me the Count of Defects in Closed status, I do NOT get any results.

– Working Query
Descendants([Xray Defect Status].CurrentMember,
[Xray Defect Status].[Status]
([Measures].[Issues created] > 0)
[Measures].[Issues created]

— Not Working Query
Descendants([Xray Defect Status].CurrentMember,
[Xray Defect Status].[Status]
([Measures].[Issues created] > 0) AND (
[Xray Defect Status].CurrentMember.Name = ‘Closed’
[Measures].[Issues created]

Please assist.


Hi @ranjandutta,

When building calculations to analyze Xray data, you should combine Xray-specific dimensions and Xray-specific measures. Those measures and dimensional are designed to work together; here is the list of them and the description for each: Xray Test Management

In your case, you can build a report without any new calculated measures.
On report columns, select measure “Xray Tests defect count” and dimension “Xray Defect Status”.

If you have other measures on report columns, you can split only measure “Xray Tests defect count” by defect statuses using the option “Drill into”. In the report, click on column “Xray Test defect count” header and select option Drill into → Xray → Xray Defect Status. When it is done, you can adjust the statuses or statute categories you would like to see in the report. Here are more details: Create reports - Drill into measure by another dimension level.

Zane / support@eazyBI.com