Zephyr Custom Field Import Functionality

Hi There,

Does EazyBI support the feature to import custom fields that have been created for Zephyr Test Executions?

I have 2 custom fields for each execution created, but when I import all the Zephyr data, it doesn’t show up as a property in either select or calculated members.

Custom Fields in Zephyr:

EazyBI measures:

I tried using the Advanced Settings Import, but the actual Zephyr custom fields do not have an customfield_ID.




eazyBI does not currently support the Zephyr custom fields. You can use the additional data import to collect the data of the custom fields. I tried the following short example of the SQL to query the values of a specific custom field from the Jira database and created a new SQL data source:

select CONCAT (pr.`pkey`,'-',ji.issuenum) as issuekey, 
		cfv.`STRING_VALUE` as field_value 
from jiraissue ji join project pr on ji.`PROJECT`=pr.`ID`
     join AO_7DEABF_SCHEDULE tes on tes.`ISSUE_ID`=ji.`ID`
     join AO_7DEABF_EXECUTION_CF cfv on cfv.`EXECUTION_ID`= tes.`ID`
where cfv.`CUSTOM_FIELD_ID`=1;

Now you can do the data mapping and add the custom field value at the Jira issue level as a new property:

Janis, eazyBI support

Thanks Janis for your response. I will give this a try.