A report showing for each Sprint of a PI, Story Points commited


I would like to create a report showing

  1. Story Points commited during the PI Planning
  2. Story Points commited during each Sprint Planning
  3. Story Points done during the Sprint

On this report, I can choose the team, the classification (customized field).
If I choose multiple teams, I would like observe the sum of Story Points for all selected teams for each Sprint.
If I chosse multiple classification, I would like observe the sum of Story Points for all selected classification for each Sprint.

For information, I create the variable ‘#PaaS - Story Points comitted PI Planning - hand made’


WHEN [Sprint].CurrentMember.Name = [Sprint].[Project].[2023 Hiver IT.1 19.12-06.01].Name AND [Team DSIT].CurrentMember.Name = “Team A”
AND [Classification].CurrentMember.Name = “Classification D”
WHEN [Sprint].CurrentMember.Name = [Sprint].[Project].[2023 Hiver IT.1 19.12-06.01].Name AND [Team DSIT].CurrentMember.Name = “Team A”
AND [Classification].CurrentMember.Name = “Classification E”

WHEN [Sprint].CurrentMember.Name = [Sprint].[Project].[2023 Hiver IT.1 19.12-06.01].Name AND [Team DSIT].CurrentMember.Name = “Team B”
AND [Classification].CurrentMember.Name = “Classification D”


Can you help me ?

Hi @billuh,

The Sprint scope measures like “Sprint Story Points committed” are aggregated by selected teams, Classification, and other custom fields.

To get results Sprint metrics across PI, consider importing the PI name for each Sprint as a property so you can dynamically group sprints by PI:

  1. With additional data import from REST API, get a list of Sprints and the PI name it belongs. For example, use the Sprint planned start date to generate the PI name. (documentation on Additional data import into Jira Issues cube)
  2. When the PI name is imported, go to Analyse tab and create a new hierarchy in the Sprint dimension to group all sprints by associated PI name (see documentation Custom hierarchies).

Check out this community post for an example of grouping sprints by additionally imported properties. There is also a link to the training video with step by step use case for group sprints by PI:

Zane / support@eazyBI.com

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Thank you @zane.baranovska ,

I have Custom hierarchy for the Dimension Project


But not for the dimension sprint


Do I need to do something ?

Yes, @billuh, you should import the Program Increment name to each sprint as a property in order to create a new custom hierarchy and group sprints by this PI.

  1. With additional data import from REST API, get a list of Sprints and the PI name it belongs. For example, use the Sprint planned start date to generate the PI name. (documentation on Additional data import into Jira Issues cube)
  2. When the PI name is imported, go to Analyse tab and create a new hierarchy in the Sprint dimension to group all sprints by associated PI name (see documentation Custom hierarchies).

Check out this community post for an example of grouping sprints by additionally imported properties. There is also a link to the training video with step by step use case for group sprints by PI:
Combining different teams sprints into one - #3 by daina.tupule