Active Sprint End Date

Sprints and story points overview for project - Issues - Jira Demo - eazyBI is a sample report from EazyBI. According to this I am using the below formula to find the end date of current Sprint. However, it’s not giving me any result. Can somebody review this and let me know what’s wrong using this formula?

– access a set of active sprints
ChildrenSet([Sprint].[Active Sprints]) ,
– filter out sprints to match other report filters as well
([Measures].[Transitions to],
[Time].CurrentHierarchy.DefaultMember) > 0),
DateToTimestamp([Sprint].CurrentMember.getDate(‘End date’))

Hi @rakeshprusty

Thanks for posting your question!

Could you please try the formula below and see if it works as expected for you? I’ve taken out the Tuple condition with “Transitions to” measure.

-- access a set of active sprints
ChildrenSet([Sprint].[Active Sprints]), 
--returns max end date for all active sprints
DateToTimestamp([Sprint].CurrentMember.getDate("End date"))

Best wishes,

Elita from