I would be very grateful for some help on the following problem. I would like to implement the following formula ===>
(number of days spent in transition status / numbers of distinct issues that transitioned from the status) + (number of days spent in current status / numbers of issues in current status)
For example, I want to know the average time issues spent in the transition status Analysis + the average time issues still in the status Analysis have spent in that status, giving me an overall indicator about the time spent in Analysis.
This is what I’ve done so far. Unfortunately, the result is “infinity”.
Descendants([Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember, [Issue].[Issue]),
[Measures].[Issues history] >=0),
– for previous periods when issues was in particular status
[Measures].[Average days in transition status]
– time how long (til now) issue is in this status currently
(IIF([Measures].[Issues history] > 0,
[Measures].[Issue status updated date],
Now()), 0)/[Measures].[Issues created count])
Thanks for your help and kind greetings to Latvia,