Can Someone help me to create report with number of bug created with specific label for story in each sprint

Hello Guys,

I have requirement to track number of bug with specific label, Ley say Performance, created under story for each sprint.

So it will come out, something like below
3 Bug(with label Performance) under story 5 in sprint 7
2 Bug(with label Performance) under story 3 in sprint 7
2 Bug(with label Performance) under story 2 in sprint 6
2 Bug(with label Performance) under story 1 in sprint 6

Thanks in advance

Hi, @Neeraj_Talreja

Welcom to the eazyBI community.

Are the bugs linked to the Soties? If so, please follow this article, to import the linked bugs: Linked bugs to issues

Also, we have a Demo report dedicated to the Linked Bugs: Stories with Bugs details - Issues - eazyBI Demo Training - eazyBI

Consider this report as a base for your report.

To find bugs with the label matches “Performance”, please use the following formula:

  [Issue].CurrentMember.Level.Name = "Issue"
  [Bugs].Currentmember is [Bugs].Defaultmember
  -- retrieve Bugs information from Issue property Bugs
      CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Issue labels], '') MATCHES  '.* Performance.*')
 -- total calculation for any issue, data on Bugs level
      DescendantsSet([Bugs].Currentmember, [Bugs].[Bugs]),
      CoalesceEmpty([Bugs].CurrentHierarchyMember.get('Labels'), '') MATCHES  '.* Performance.*'),
    [Measures].[Issues created]

About the sprints, please explain more. What type of information do you need? All sprints of the Story, current sprint?


Thanks, ilze,
For your reply.
I want to track bug(with label) per story per sprint.
Let say there
3 bugs(with label performance) have been reported to strory 1 in sprint 1.
1 bugs(with label performance) have been reported to strory 2 in sprint 1.

2 bugs(with label performance) have been reported to strory 3 in sprint 2.
2 bugs(with label performance) have been reported to strory 4 in sprint 2.

4 bugs(with label performance) have been reported to strory 5 in sprint 3.
1 bugs(with label performance) have been reported to strory 6 in sprint 3.

Thanks & Regards

Hi izle,
any suggestions?