Connecting time measure to Time Dimension

Hi there,

Is it possible to connect a measure ([Measures].[Issue Release Date] = [Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.get(‘Release Date’)) to the time dimension so I can use Time to filter the releases on release date?

When I use time dimension now, the releases are filtered on the create date.

Hello @_P3

I have given an example below to visualize how the report interacts with the Time filter and custom date (in your case Release Date).
​For you to be able to filter the report based on Release date, in the import option settings, please verify if the field is imported as a a property AND measure.

You will notice there is an issue ETQ-35 in the screenshot below that was created on Jan 25, and my custom date is May 25, 2023. For measure “Issues with [Custom Date]”, the report returns 1 because it takes into consideration the time filter (in my case, I am filtering the report by May 2023), but it doesnt return 1 for Issues created since the issue was created in January and not May.

Now when I filter the report Issues with [Custom Date] to be larger than 0, the report, along with the Time filter I am using, will only return those records where the Issue custom date falls in the filtered period.

In your case you should be able to see measure Issues with Release Date, which will interact with time filter just like I have explained above.

Best wishes,

Elita from

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Hi Elita,

I am facing a similar problem and I am trying it a bit difficult to understand the solution. I am trying to connect Version Release Date (measure) to Time Dimension. I didn’t understand how you created Issues with [Custom Date]. Could you please help?


Hi @mpasapula

Welcome to the eazyBI Community!
Release Date should have a different approach, because it is not stored at the Issue level.
You may want to read this Community post - Time Filter Based on Specific Data Point - #2 by roberts.cacus which seems to be what you are looking for!

Best wishes,

Elita from

Thank you Elita, that worked :slight_smile:
