Exclude specific labels


I am trying to create chart with following query, i need exclude the issues which is having label2

project = “Project1” AND (labels = FWQA_TestDev AND labels != FWQA_Triage)

I tried with following calculated member without luck

[Label].CurrentMember.Name MATCHES ‘FWQA_TestDev’
[Label].CurrentMember.Name NOT MATCHES ‘FWQA_Triage’


any help on this? or any reference document on how to do it?

I’d like to know the answer. please help.

Hi guys,

This post might help?:


Hi @prasad and @enguyen,

The idea to use aggregate is correct. But in this case, to get the count of issues with specified labels you should aggregate issues instead of labels and for each issue validate assigned labels. For aggregation, you may use function Count() and iterate through issues using function Descendants()

    --iterate through issues
    --which have label FWQA_TestDev
    ([Measures].[Issues created],
    [Label].[FWQA_TestDev]) > 0
    --and don't have lable FWQA_Triage
    AND IsEmpty(
      ([Measures].[Issues created],
      [Label].[FWQA_Triage]) )

Zane / support@eazyBI.com

Hi @zane.baranovska,

Thank you for helping. I tried to create a new calculated member and copied your suggestion for the contents but keeps getting error message "“Query execution timeout of 150 seconds reached. Please try to make query simpler”.

Do you have other suggestion how to get around this?



I have the same circumstance and tried this method as well. I experienced the same as Enguyen with the timeout issue.

This type of calcaution is resourceful as it iterates through individual issues, and for each issue, check on both labels. the bigger the data cube (more issues imported), the more resources (including time) it takes to check all issues and calculate the value.

You may slightly improve the calcaution using the function Sum() instead of the Count(). However, the principle remains the same - it iterates through all issues imported into the data cube. See this Community post for calculation:

An alternative is to import label combinations as a separate dimension and use if for filtering data. Please see this Community post for a solution:

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