Hi @jon33367
First, if all of the fields you’ve mentioned are issue custom fields in your Jira, you would need to import them as Dimensions, Properties or Measures accordingly.
For example, the “Directions” custom field should be imported as a Dimension.
If you would like to retrieve all the children issues of Epics that are in your mentioned business process status, you should first import the “Business process status” field as a dimension and then, also import it as an inherited field dimension: JavaScript calculated custom fields
This will allow you to filter the child issues of the Epic by their parent Epic business process status.
Next, you should also import all of the numeric values as measures in the account: Custom field import options
When all of this is imported, you can select the Directions dimension for Rows and enable the “Pages” option for this dimension to be able to filter the report by specific Directions. Next, add the Issue dimension to Rows and select the “Epic” level from the “Epic” hierarchy in the “All hierarchy level members” section.
You should also include the Business process status dimension in the Pages section, so you can filter the Epics by their current status or, you can use the Inherited dimension to filter the Epics and also their child issues by the current Epic status. You can see an example of this here: Filter issues in sprint when epic has a certain value - #3 by gerda.grantina
When all the selections and filters are set up, you can enable the measures you want to see across your selected directions and Epic business process statuses.
Let me know if I can further assist you with this!
Best regards,