How calculate issues which was in status, but now in different status


I understand you would like to represent issue current status and historical statuses. For current status representation, you may use dimension Status and measure Issues created. On the other hand, to analyze issue change history, you might want to use measures and dimension designed for that, like, dimension Transition Status and measure Transition from status issue count.

One approach would be to create two separate reports, one with the current status and another with historical statuses, and place then side by side in the dashboard.

Another approach would be to represent current and previous statuses in one report by defining new calculated measures for each status. For calculations, you may use a tuple of status and measure. For example, to count issues which are currently in status “In” the tuple might look like this:

([Measures].[Issues created],

To count issues which were in status “Ping” a tuple might look like this:

([Measures].[Transitions from status issues count],
[Transition Status].[Ping]) 

Zane /

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