How can I import a jira custom field (Story Point) as it is to a simple dimension and as an interval dimension too. This jira custom field (Story Point) has been imported as a dimension and it works well. Now I would like to import it as an interval dimension as well. The final goal would be to build a Issue Complexity Histogram where the resolved issue count will be on the Y axis and the Story Points as the Fibonacci series on the X axis. The main problem is that the issues has got not just clear fibonacci numbers but other numbers to like 4 or 6, etc. So, I would like to create an interval dimension where I want to group the Stroy Point estimations into a real Fibonacci series.
However, as I mentioned Story Point has already been imported into ezaybi as a “dimension” and it works well, we can use it and want to use it in this form.
dimension = true
Also, now I want to use it as an “interval” dimension in addition to the existing normal dimension.
The main question is that if I supplement the existing Story Point import with the interval import, will something that has worked well so far go wrong?
Does the Story Point remain as a normal dimension and will it only be an interval dimension or both normal and intervall too?
May I ask you to share you recomendation setting with me what I can use it in the advanced settings as a basic?
What about dimension names?
How can I distinguish between normal and interval Story Point dimensions?
Is there a way to give them separate names?
If you rely on the “Story points” field imported dimension I won’t recommend changing it to “interval-type” of dimension using advanced settings.
Better use advanced settings to define a new custom field ID that gets the value from Story point field ID.
Then select and import a new field as a separate interval dimension.
The code would be something like this (where original Story points custom field ID should be used instead of NNNNN)
Your example helped a lot. It has started to work what I want. However, there are two more questions I would ask for your help on.
One is that, after I have defined the new advanced setting and re-imported the issues, the new interval dimension values are calculated only the new issues which imported now. Not for old items already imported. What could be the reason for this?
The other is that I can’t specify ranges for decimal values like these: 0-0.75, 0.75-1.5, 1.5-2.5, 2.5-4.0, 4.0-6.5, 6.5-10.5, 10.5-16.5, 16.5-30.0
I cannot solve the intervalum definition neither integer nor decimal data type.
How should I specify this?
The third question is how to change the name of the interval? Can I give it a unique name so I don’t want to see the range numbers?
Intervals should be defined as integer numbers. and you should be able to customize the interval definition from the UI. Decimal numbers as intervals are not supported, unfortunately.
Once intervals are defined, you can create new calculated members in the dimension and choose custom names for the interval and use formula to point to predefined dimension member that should be renamed.