How to create a dashboard to show incidents about to miss SLA?

Hi all:

Is there a way to create a report in EazyBI or in JSM to help Incident Management team to identify group of incidents ordered by SLA due date (for instance: 10 tickets will miss SLA in the this week, 23 will miss it in the next week, etc.)?



Hi @walterdp ,

You might define a new JS customfield retrieving the Due timestamp from the issue data.

You might read about creating a new calculated field here - New calculated fields

The JS code might be something like the following,

if (issue.fields.customfield_NNNNN && issue.fields.customfield_NNNNN.ongoingCycle){
var duestamp = issue.fields.customfield_NNNNN.ongoingCycle.breachedDate;
var duedate = new Date(duestamp);
return duedate.toISOString();}

where NNNNN stands for the customfield ID for the respective SLA.

You might then import this field as a datetime measure. That would create a new measure - “Issues with <custom date field>”.

Then, you might find the issues about having the SLA breach on a specific date with a calculated measure having the following tuple.

([Measures].[Issues with <custom date field>],
 [<SLA name> State].[Running])


Oskars /

Hi @oskars.laganovskis

Thanks for answering. Finally I found an answer in another forum. I can’t find the link now, but in the post they shared this demo SLA with ongoing cycles - Jira Service Management Demo - eazyBI.

I adapted one of the reports and that’s what I needed!

Thanks anyway!
