How to get all other custom fields from Linked issues to produce a dependency matrix report

Hi eazybi support and community,
For Jira issues, we are using “blocks” and “Is blocked by” to manage issue dependencies, at both task level and Epic level, which is also across different jira projects.

For a single issue, there could be multiple issues it blocks, or it might be blocked by multiple issues. I want to generate the view of dependency for the linked issues.

so I added settings to enable issue link:

name = “Is Blocked By”
inward_link = [“is blocked by”]
dimension = true
multiple_values = true

name = “Blocks”
outward_link = [“blocks”]
dimension = true
multiple_values = true

It would give me the list of keys in string which either blocks or blocked by the original issue.

Now I tried to produce a dependency matrix report for a list of issues, to tell how many issues is blocked, or blocks others, and some other custom fields for those linked issues, such as string type(issue status, issue summary, issue fix version, etc), date type(issue due date, issue target start, issue target end,), number type(count of issues), how can I do it?

I’ve read this doc section: Issue link field dimensions - eazyBI for Jira
I tried to add the following settings, but seems no effect at all.

name = “Link Is Blocked BY Issue Status”
source_dimension = “Status”
issue_key_column = “customfield_linked_issues_IsBlockedBy”
group = “Linked issue dimensions”

How to get all other custom fields from Linked issues to produce a dependency matrix report?

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There is a Demo account illustrating a similar use case as you describe.
Please, check this example report and the formulas behind the custom calculations.

The Issue link field dimension is for covering a bit different use case.

Janis, eazyBI support

thanks Janis for the example report.
I tried to follow example and use Generator to concatenate multiple issue properties into the same calculated measure. This new measure would be looks like “Issue key - summary - status - component - target start - target end - due date”… so it’s hard to read especially when there’re multiple issue blocks or is blocked by the current issue list.

I read that Eazybi new release notes, which mentioned markdown improvement for measure formatting. I read the documentation, but still not figure out how to change this measure to the markdown format.
Is it possible to format it similar to the issue Card layout in the Scrum board? If it’s possible, how to do that, could you please help show an example how to do so?

I tried markdown based on documentation, but I am not able to get jira issue link directly produced together with generate() function.

if I just use a calculated measure directly with markdown format, such as:

"[*"||cast([Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.Key as string)
||"*](https://jiraURL/browse/"||cast([Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.Key as string)||")"

it will show the jira issue key in clickable link such as Jira key.

however, if I use generate() function together to concatenate multiple issues and its properties, it always shows in plain text, even if I already selected formatting as the Markdown:

-- get a list of blocked issues
  [Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.get('Is Blocked By')
-- show by key
"[*"||cast([Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.Key as string)
||"*](https://jiraURL/browse/"||cast([Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.Key as string)||")"

|| " - " ||
-- show issue status
  [Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.Get("Status ID")),

what I want is

key1 - Open
Key2 - Open

but I can only receive the plain text instead of markdown interpretation:

[*key1*](key1 URL) - Open
[*Key2*](Key2 URL) - Open

Is there anything wrong with the code? How can I use both Generate() and markdown to get the clickable link for multiple JIRA issues combined?

@janis.plume I need help on the issue link dimention: Calculate a sum only when a link to another issue is present - Questions & Answers - eazyBI Community