Is there a way to display more columns in Drill Through Issue window?


When clicking on “Drill Through Issue” from my EazyBI reports, it displays all relevant JIRA tasks but there’s only one column describing the number of the tasks.

Is there a way to display more columns with certain JIRA fields as shown below:

Thank you!

Hello @Kyung_Park,

Thanks for posting your question!

While this functionality isn’t available with the “Drill through issue” feature, I recommend using the “Drill across” option. This allows you to explore other dimensions (including the Issue dimension) and add any additional data you need in your report.

My colleague Zane discusses this exact topic in her presentation, “Custom Drill Through Issues Report” (8 minutes). You can check it out here: eazyBI Community Day 2024: Recordings and Presentations

I hope this helps!

Marita //