I’ve followed the instructions here regarding the setup of Issue link field dimensions, in particular, I’m using a Feature Release (Fix Version) dimension configured as follows:
name = "Feature Release"
source_dimension = "Fix Version"
issue_key_column = "customfield_16400"
group = "Linked issue dimensions"
Where customfield_16400 is the Portfolio Parent_Link field.
I’ve noticed when using this dimension that it doesn’t include results for the actual “Feature” issue type, and I only get results when the Feature has child Epics/Stories. Is there any way I can get the Feature issue to also be included in results from this Dimension.
I have used The Issue and Fix Version dimension directly to get this information, just would be handy for my dashboard to not have to have parameters for “Feature Release” and “Fix Version” where you have to select basically the same thing.
Thanks in advance