Jira EasyBI - How to create time dimension from a custom field

I’ve just stated using Jira Cloud Easy BI and like the EasyBI rendition of the Created vs Resolved graph over time. I inadvertently deleted the JIRA project but did have an recent CSV export to recreate my project. My problem arises from JIRA not allowing me to import created or resolved dates. So, I created custom fields for both data items.

I tried to recreate the Created vs Resolve graph but it only shows issues added after my import. How can I create dimensions for these two custom dates? The EasyBI import only allows me to define as measures, and/or property.

Any help pointing me in the right direction is appreciated.


eazyBI does not allow creating several Time dimensions in the data cube. There is a presentation about this topic given in the eazyBI community days this year:

eazyBI data model assumes that each measure is mapped to the Time dimension in its own way, which is why it is possible to create the reports like created vs resolved chart. The measure Issues created is mapped to the Time by issue creation date, Issue resolved by the resolution date.

Similarly, you can import your custom date fields and select those fields to be imported as the measure. This option creates a measure which maps the number of issues on the time dimension with the custom date.

Once I select such option, eazyBI creates a new measure where Issue count is mapped to the Time dimension by the Date Submitted:

Please, check more in our documentation on how the date fields are imported in eazyBI:

Janis, eazyBI support