Number of issue with fix version


I would like to know the number of problems that have had a version after resolution.

I have a custum field (N° de ticket CRM) which allows to identify the problems which come from the hotline and I would like to know the percentage of problem which had a true resolution and the percentage of which should never have arrived until R&D.

N° de ticket CRM is not empty AND fix version is not empty AND resolved = true

I managed to highlight the number of problems coming from the hotline


but I can’t get the percentage with a corrected version

Thank you for your help

Hi @MiH,

It seems you are looking to add another condition to the calculated measure for retrieving issues with any Fix Version. If that is the case, first, create a new calculated measure that retrieves the Fix versions for each issue. Please have a look at the formula below:

-- Issue Fix Version
  Filter([Fix Version].[Version].Members,
    [Measures].[Issues created]>0
  [Fix Version].CurrentHierarchyMember.Name,
  ", "

After that, try altering the calculated measure “Ticket CRM Creer”. There is no need for two nested Filter() functions. You can add two or more conditions inside it with AND and OR operands. Also, you can use the Sum() function instead of Count() and move the measure “Issues created” outside Filter() as the numeric expression that will be evaluated over the set. Please have a look at the formula below:

    [Measures].[Issue No de ticket CRM] <> '(none)'
    [Measures].[Issue Fix Version] <> '(no version)'
  ),[Measures].[Issues created]

The measure [Measures].[Issue Fix Version] is the same you created in the first step. Replace the name if you used a different one. The Sum() function usually is more efficient than the Count() and returns results faster.

Visit the eazyBI documentation page for more information on conditionals in calculated measures -

Roberts //

Thank you for your response but I cannot test it because I have a timeout even after waiting 300 seconds.

how can I do ?

Hi @MiH

In that case, it is necessary to define a new JavaScript calculated custom field that will enable the import of the Fix Version also as an issue property. To define a new JavaScript calculated custom field, head to the eazyBI advanced settings -

After that, use the parameters in the linked eazyBI documentation page for importing a list of Fix Versions as an issue property -

After that, you can select the “FixVersions” custom field for import in the eazyBI import options in the “Custom fields” tab as an issue property.

The formula could look similar to the one below:

    [Measures].[Issue No de ticket CRM] <> '(none)'
    [Measures].[Issue FixVersions] <> '(none)'
    Not IsEmpty([Measures].[Issue resolution])
  ),[Measures].[Issues resolved]

It looks like you are looking for resolved issues. I updated the formula to look for issues in who have a set resolution.

Roberts //

hello, I have no results with this solution, despite the import of FixVersion field in size and property

Hi @MiH,

In that case try the code below:

    [Measures].[Issue No de ticket CRM] <> '(none)'
    Not IsEmpty([Measures].[Issue FixVersions])
    Not IsEmpty([Measures].[Issue resolution])
  ),[Measures].[Issues resolved]


Hello @roberts.cacus,

Still empty, i don’t understand

Empty but timeout 300 seconds


Hi @MiH,

How many issues do you have in the cube? You can see that by expanding the Issue dimension “All hierarchy level members” section. There you should see the “Issue” level and number of members in it.

Also, please export and share the definition of the report -

As an alternative, import the custom field “N° de ticket CRM” as a dimension. Create a calculated member in the N° de ticket CRM dimension with the formula below:

--Except None
    [N° de ticket CRM].[N° de ticket CRM].Members,
      [N° de ticket CRM].[(none)]

Then try creating a new calculated measure with the formula below:

([Measures].[Issues resolved count],
[N° de ticket CRM].[Except None])
([Measures].[Issues resolved count],
[N° de ticket CRM].[Except None],
[Fix Version.By name].[(no version)])

Roberts //

thank you very much Roberts it works now.

I now have another problem. If you have an idea, I’m interested.